Academic Degrees
BA, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1986
MA (cum laude), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1991
PhD, "The Catholic Church and the Jews in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 17th-18th Centuries", The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1999
Academic interests
Kalik interested mainly in the history of Eastern Europe in the early modern age and in the middle ages with the emphasis on the economic, cultural and religious interaction between the Jewish and non-Jewish population of this region.
The Polish Nobility and the Jews in the Dietine Legislation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Studies of the Center for Research on the History and Culture of Polish Jews), Magnes Press,Jerusalem, 1997, 90 pp. (Hebrew).
Scepter of Judah. Jewish Autonomy in the Eighteenth-Century Crown Poland (Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2009), 404 pp. (English).
1. "The Catholic Church and the Jews in Poland" in The Broken Chain: Polish Jewry through the Ages, vol. 1, (ed.) I. Bartal, I. Gutman, Jerusalem, pp. 193-208 (Hebrew).
2."Patterns of Contacts between the Catholic Church and the Jews in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth during the 17-18th Centuries: Jewish Debts" in: Studies in the History of the Jews in Old Poland in Honor of Jacob Goldberg, (ed.) A. Teller, Jerusalem (Scripta Hierosolymitana 38), pp.102-122 (English).
3. “The Jews and the Various Churches of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth”, Churches and Confessions in East Central Europe in Early Modern Times, (ed.) H. Laszkiewicz, Lublin, pp. 140-152 (English).
4."'Zastaw' (Deposit) and 'Wiederkauf' in the Economic Activity of the Jews in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth" in Jewish Entrepreneurship in Modern Times: East Europe and Eretz Israel(ed.) R. Aaronsohn and Sh. Stampfer, Jerusalem, pp. 25-47 (Hebrew).
5."The Relations of Jews to Various Christian Churches in the Kingdom of Poland-Lithuania: Characterization and Comparison of Types of Contact" in Proceedings of the Twelfth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Division B: History of the Jewish People (ed.) R. Margolin, Jerusalem, pp. 103-109 (Hebrew).
6."Żydowskaduchowość, religia i praktyki religijne w oczach Polaków w XVII-XVIII wieku" inDuchowośćŻydowska w Polsce, Materiały z międzynarodowej konferencjidedykowanej pamięci profesora Chone Shmeruka, Kraków 26-28 Kwietnia 1999(ed.) M. Galas, Kraków, pp. 81-90 (Polish).
7."The Catholic Church and the Jews in Cracow and Kazimierz in Pre-Partition Poland" in Kroke-Kazimierz-Cracow. Studies in the History of Cracow Jewry, (ed.) E. Reiner, Tel Aviv, pp. 69-88 (Hebrew).
8."Attitudes towards the Jews and Catholic identity in eighteenth-century Poland", in: Confessional Identity in East-Central Europe, (St Andrews Studies in Reformation History) eds, M. Crăciun, O. Ghitta & G. Mordock, Ashgate, pp.181-193. (English)
9. "Debts, Communal", “Leaseholding”, "Servants", "Trakai", "Troki, Yitsak ben Avraham", map to “Councils” by A. Teller, YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe, ed. G. D. Hundert, New Haven, vol.1, pp. 353, 399-400, 1001-1003, vol. 2, pp. 1692-1693, 1897-1898, 1906 (English).
10. “Future Russian Jews in the Eastern Lands of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth”, pp.243-266; “The Orthodox Church and the Jews in the Eastern Territories of Polish-LithuanianCommonwealth”, pp.267-281; “The Jewish Presence in Russia in the16th-18thCenturies”, in A History of the Jews in Russia. Part 1: The Middle Ages, ed. I. Bartal and A. Kulik, Jerusalem, pp.321-344 (Russian).
"יהדות רוסיה העתידית: היהודים בחלקיה המזרחיים של ממלכת פולין-ליטא", עמ' 205-221; "הכנסיה הפרבוסלבית והיהודים בממלכת פולין-ליטא", עמ' 222-232; "הנוכחות היהודית ברוסיה במאות ה-16-18", עמ' 258-276. בתוך: תולדות יהודי רוסיה , עורך ראשי ישראל ברטל, כרך 1: מימי קדם עד העת החדשה המוקדמת, עורך אלכסנדר קוליק, ירושלים, 2010. (Hebrew)
11. “Fusion versus Alienation – Erotic Attraction, Sex and Love between Jews and Christians in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth” in Kommunikation durch symbolische Akte.Religiöse Heterogenitätund politische Herrschaft in Polen-Litauen, ed.Y. Kleinmann, Leipzig, pp. 157-170 (English).
14. "Szlachta Attitudes towards Jewish Commerce during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries - Utility versus Ideology", Gal-ed 13, pp. 43-57 (Hebrew).
15. "Szlachta Attitudes towards Jewish Arenda in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries", Gal-ed 14, pp. 15-25(English).
16."Christian Servants Employed by Jews in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 17th-18th Century", Polin14, pp. 259-270(English).
17."Polish Attitudes towards Jewish Spirituality in the Eighteenth Century", Polin15, pp.77-85. (English)
18."The Orthodox Church and the Jews in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth", Jewish History 17, pp. 229-237,(English).
19."Church's involvement in the contacts between Jews and burghers in the 17th-18thcenturiesPolish-LithuanianCommonwealth", Jewish History Quarterly 207, pp. 342-348, (English)
20."The Attitudes towards the Jews in the Christian Polemic Literature in Poland in the 16th-18th Centuries", Jews and Slavs, 11, ed.,W.Moskovichand I. Fijałkowska-Janiak, Jerusalem 2003, pp.58-78. (English)
21."Jews in Catholic Ecclesiastic Legislation in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth" Jewish History Quarterly 209, pp. 26-39 (English)
22." The Lost Treasure: Lists of the Jewish Poll Tax from the 18th Century in the Archives of Polish Military Treasury", Zion 69, pp. 329-356 (Hebrew).
23. "Christian Kabbala and Polish Jews: Attitudes of the Church to Jewish Conversion and the Idea of ‘Jacob’s Return’ in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 18th Century", Jewish History Quarterly 212, pp.492-501 (English).
24. “Jewish Leaseholders (Arendarze) in18th Century Crown Poland”, Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 54, pp. 229-240 (English).
25. “Beilis Trial in Russian Public Discourse in the Context of the Other National Minorities - the Case of the Votiaks (Udmurts)”, Jewish Studies an Internet Journal 5, pp. 123-131 (Hebrew).
26. “Suburban Story: Structure of Jewish Communities in Largest Royal Cities of 18th Century Crown Poland”, Kwartalnik Historyczny 113, pp. 49-75 (English).
27.”Deconstructing Communities: The Administrative Structure of the Rural JewishPopulation in the Polish Crown Lands in the 18th Century”, Gal-ed, 21,pp. 53-76. (English).
28.”Between the Census and the Poll-Tax: the Jewish Population of Crown Poland during the 18th Century”, Journal of European Economic History 36, pp. 101-123. (English).
29.”The Inn as a Focal Point for Jewish Relations with the Catholic Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth”, Jews and Slavs 21, pp.381-390 (English).
30. "Economic Relations between the Catholic Church and the Jews in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 17th-18thCenturies", Gal-ed, 25 pp. (English).
31. Review of M. J. Rosman, "The Lords' Jews: Magnate-Jewish Relations in the Polish-Lithuanian Republic during the 18th Century", Cambridge (Mass.), 1990, Gal-ed 13, pp. 181-183 (Hebrew).
32. Review of A. Kaźmerczyk, "Sejmy i sejmikiszlacheckie wobec żydów w drugiej połowie XVII wieku", Warszawa, 1994, Zion 61,pp. 121-124 (Hebrew).
33. Review of A. Kaźmerczyk, "Sejmy i sejmiki szlacheckie wobec żydów wdrugiej połowie XVII wieku", Warszawa, 1994, Kwartalnik Historyczny 103, pp.104-106 (Polish).
34. Review of A. Leszczyński, "Sejm żydów korony 1623-1764" Warszawa, 1994, Kwartalnik Historyczny 103, pp.97-99 (Polish).
35. Review of P. Fiałkowski, "Wybórtekstów źródłowych XI-XVIII wiek" (Dzieje żydów w Polsce), Warszawa, Polin 10, pp. 364-367(English).
36. Review of A. Leszczyński, "Sejm Żydów korony 1623-1764" Warszawa, 1994, GalEd 15, pp. 247-251 (Hebrew).
37. Review of I. Bartal and I. Gutman (eds.), "Kiyum veshever: yehudei polin ledoroteihem (The Broken Chain: Polish Jewry through the Ages)", vol. 2, "Hevrah, tarbut, leumiyut (Society, Culture, Nationalism)”, The Zalman ShazarCenter, Jerusalem, 2001, Dark Times, Dire Decisions. Jews and Communism (Studies in Contemporary Jewry 20), eds. J. Frankel and D. Diner, pp. 332-334 (English).
38. Review of Gminy żydowskie w dawnejRzeczypospolitej. Wybór tekstów źródłowych. Opracowanie i tłumaczenie AnnaMichałowska. Wydawnictwo Akademickie Dialog, Warszawa, 2003,Jewish History Quarterly 213, pp.101-104 (English).
39. Review of A. Teller, Hayim beTsavta: HaRova haYehudi shel Poznan baMahatsit haRishonah shel haMe’ah ha-17 (Living Together, the Jewish Quarter of Poznań of the First Half of the Seventeenth Century), Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2003.VIII+134 pp; facsimiles, Gal-Ed, pp. 121-123 (English).
40. Review of A. Teller, Money, Power, and Influence. The Jews of the Radziwill Estates in Eighteenth Century Lithuania, Jerusalem, 2006, 289 pp., Zion 73, 2008, pp. 223-224 (Hebrew).